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Undergraduate Student: Alana Suarez

Going to the SOARS conference at UNF was a great learning experience for me. This conference included a two-hour poster presentation in which professors as well as students reviewed and asked questions about the research I helped conduct in Dr. Nicholson's lab. This presentation allowed me to explain to numerous individuals the importance of children obtaining the proper amount of sleep to function cognitively and behaviorally. I enjoyed explaining the research methods and the outcomes. I was able to converse with professors and students about research I truly enjoy and that I know will be beneficial knowledge for my future career in medicine. Each person I spoke with during this conference provided a different perspective that allowed me to appreciate the study that much more. I look forward to presenting health-related topics to many others by attending more conferences in the near future. Allowing me to not only expand my knowledge, but the knowledge of others in the process.

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